
There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.

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name path methods description
Authentication API
  • /my-pages-v2/authentication/authentications
  • /my-pages-v2/authentication/logout
  • /my-pages-v2/authentication/matches
  • POST
  • POST
  • POST
This API allows customers to log in (either manually with a password or through the so-called "soft-login"), change customer information, look at order history, track parcels and more.
Company API
  • /my-pages-v2/company-user/connected-users
  • /my-pages-v2/company-user/lookup
  • /my-pages-v2/company-user/connected-users/{companyCustomerId}
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
This API allows managing customer user connected to a company.
Customer API
  • /my-pages-v2/customer/customers
  • /my-pages-v2/customer/me
  • /my-pages-v2/customer/newsletter-customers
  • POST
  • POST
The customer object is the most central resource of the "My pages" API.
Delivery API
  • /my-pages-v2/delivery/deliveries
  • /my-pages-v2/delivery/deliveries/{deliveryId}
  • GET
  • GET
Provides methods for managing deliveries for customers that are logged in to the "My pages" API.
Offer API
  • /my-pages-v2/offer/offers
  • GET
Provides methods for managing offers for customers that are logged in to the "My pages" API.
Order API
  • /my-pages-v2/order/orders
  • /my-pages-v2/order/orders/{orderNumber}
  • /my-pages-v2/order/orders/{orderNumber}/return-slips
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
Provides methods for managing orders for customers that are logged in to the "My pages" API.
Rental API
  • /my-pages-v2/rental/rentals
  • /my-pages-v2/rental/rentals/{rentalId}/renew-payment-info
  • GET
  • POST
Provides methods for managing rentals for customers that are logged in to the "My pages" API.
Reset password API
  • /my-pages-v2/reset-password/tokens
  • /my-pages-v2/reset-password/tokens/{token}
  • /my-pages-v2/reset-password/tokens/{token}/resets
  • POST
  • GET
  • POST
It's not rare that consumers lose their passwords. This API provides a safe way for consumers to reset their passwords. ETM never sets the passwords, instead a token will be generated. This token will be sent out to the consumer (most commonly using an e-mail). By following a link, the consumer can then enter the new password themselves.
Subscription API
  • /my-pages-v2/subscription/subscriptions
  • /my-pages-v2/subscription/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
  • /my-pages-v2/subscription/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancel
  • /my-pages-v2/subscription/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/change-type
  • /my-pages-v2/subscription/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/renew-payment-info
  • GET
  • POST
  • POST
  • POST
Provides methods for managing subscriptions for customers that are logged in to the "My pages" API.

Data Types

type description
Address Information about a geographical address.
AddressWithName Information about a geographical location, including the name of the resident/tenant. This object is used often as delivery addresses, where you also want to store the name of the delivery recipient.
ApplicationError Represents an application error object that contains information about a specific error thrown by the system.
ApplicationErrors Defines a list of errors.
AppliesTo Defines what subscription rows the discount applies to.
AuthenticationLevel A authentication level defines the authorization level of the user

This is dependent on the authorization method the customer was retrieved by, if the customer used an identifier and password the clearance will be higher than if matched solely on e.g email.

AuthenticationRequest Defines a request to authenticate a customer to the "My pages" API by providing an identifier (for example an email address) and a password, among other things.
BankAccounts Represents the different types of bank accounts available
CancellationDetails Contains the details for a cancellation
Category Represents customer category
ChangeDetails Contains the details for a change of subscription type.
Company Holds information about a company that a customer can place orders on behalf of.
CompanyUserToAddOrUpdate Contains changes that applies to a company user.
CompanyUsersToAddOrUpdate Contains a list of companyUsers to add or update.
CreateInfo Information about a customer or company being matched and potentially created.
Credentials Holds customer credentials for authenticating to "My pages".
Customer A customer is the central part of ETM. It holds information required to communicate with the customer and holds shipping information for the customer.
CustomerCompanyInformation Defines a company user.
CustomerCompanyLookUp Defines a company user lookup.
DayOfWeek A day-of-week, such as 'Tuesday'.

Represents the 7 days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Delivery Defines a delivery.

One customer can have multiple deliveries and a delivery can potentially have delivery rows.

DeliveryAddress Holds delivery addresses for a customer.
DeliveryDetails Defines a delivery.

One customer can have multiple deliveries and a delivery can potentially have delivery rows.

DeliveryRow Defines a delivery row
DeliveryRowStatus Defines possible statuses for delivery rows.
DeliveryStatus Defines possible statuses for deliveries.
IdentifierType Defines possible ways to enter credentials
LocalAddress Information about a local geographical address. A local address means that it has no awareness of country.
LogoutRequest Defines a request to logout a customer to the "My pages" API by providing customerType (Person or Company)
MatchIdentifier Specifies a single identifier to use for the matching strategy.
MatchIdentifierKind Defines various kinds of matching strategies.
MatchRequest Information for a request to attempt to match an existing customer. If matched properly, a "My pages" API token will be returned.
MyPagesOrderCustomer The customer of a order.
MyPagesParcelStatus Parcel statuses represented in My Pages.
MyPagesPasswordReset Domain for MyPages reset request
NewsLetterRequest Defines a Newsletter request to the MyPages V2 service. This request contains data used when calling the service responsible for creating new "newsletter customers" or updating existing customers to use newsletters.
Offer An MyPagesOffer defines an offer connected against a customer category

A customer can be connected to several customer categories

OrderDetails Order details define detailed information about a purchase made online or in a physical store.

One customer can have multiple orders and an order can potentially have multiple items and multiple parcels (with or without tracking information).

OrderRow An order row defines a row from a purchase

Each order contains one or several rows

OrderStatus Defines possible statuses in the order flow.
Outdelivery Domain for MyPages Outdelivery
Parcel Holds tracking information for a shipped parcel, tied to a specific order.
ParcelTimeLine Holds possible statuses for shipped parcels, tied to a specific order.
PasswordResetInformation Contains information used for setting a new password.
PasswordResetRequestInformation Contains information used for requesting a password reset.
PaymentInfo Holds information about how a subscription or rental is being paid periodically.
PaymentStatus Defines possible statuses for payments.
PaymentStatus Defines different payment statuses.
ProductsToAdd Contains products to add to the subscription.
Property Represents a customer property.
RegisterCustomer Contains information for registering a customer into the system.
RenewalAction Defines various actions that needs to be done by the client when renewing payment information.
RenewalRequest Holds information for initiating a renewal of payment information for a specific rental.
RenewalResult Information about successfully renewed payment information.
Rental Defines information about one rental. One Rental can include multiple products such as insurance and add-on products.
RentalRow Defines a product included in a rental.
Rentals A RentalHead defines information on all of one customer's rentals, including meta information such as total fee.
ResetPasswordRequest Contains information for requesting a new reset password token.
SetPasswordRequest Contains the new password that will be set for a customer. Notice that we only accept a single password value here, so it is recommended to perform a confirmation check on the API client side before passing it to this API.
ShippingOption Represents shipping options
Source Source of order
Store A store represents a physical store.

Could be favorite-store or store where the order was purchased from, for example

Subscription Defines a subscription.

One customer can have multiple subscriptions and a subscription can potentially have several rows.

SubscriptionDetails Defines a subscription.

One customer can have multiple subscriptions and a subscription can potentially have several rows.

SubscriptionRow Defines a subscription row
SubscriptionRowsToUpdate Contains changes that applies to a subscription row.
SubscriptionToUpdate Contains changes that applies to a subscription.
SubscriptionType Defines possible types of subscriptions.
SubscriptionUpcomingDiscount Represents an available subscription discount
TimeSlot Represents a time slot
TokenType Defines various token types.
UpdateCustomer Contains information for updating a customer. To not update certain fields, simply do not send then.
UpdatePassword Contains information for updating the customer password. To update the customer password, the current password is required.
Value Represents a customer property value.