
There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.

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name path methods description
Delivery method API
  • /warehouse-management/delivery-method/delivery-methods
  • GET
Delivery method identifies how the goods are transported from the warehouse to the end-customer. It's a combination of a logistics provider (ie. PostNord, UPS) and a specific type of service that is used for delivery (like Posten Varubrev or UPS Express)
Purchase order API
  • /warehouse-management/purchase-order/purchase-orders
  • /warehouse-management/purchase-order/purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderId}
  • GET
A purchase order is an order against a supplier to fill up stock balances that are later sold from various channels.
Stock balance API
  • /warehouse-management/stock-balance/reservations
  • /warehouse-management/stock-balance/stock-balances
  • POST
Stock balances identify how many physical units of a product is available in specific warehouses.
Supplier API
  • /warehouse-management/supplier/suppliers
  • GET
Suppliers are companies that deliver goods to us. We place purchase orders against suppliers and await arrival of goods.
Warehouse API
  • /warehouse-management/warehouse/warehouses
  • GET

Warehouse is the storage place for all products, usually in a dedicated building facility. An order is packed in one or several warehouses and then shipped to end customer. Warehouse can contain any number of product SKUs (see StockBalance).

Optionally a product can be stored in several locations in same warehouse (ie. Picking location, Pallet Storage etc) for packing / storage optimization

Data Types

type description
CustomField Any custom data associated with this row
DeliveryMethod Method of delivering goods to end customer
DeliveryMethodResult Holds a search result of delivery method.
PurchaseOrder A purchase order is an order against a supplier to fill up stock balances.
PurchaseOrderChanges Contains changes that applies to a return.
PurchaseOrderResult Holds a search result of purchase orders.
PurchaseOrderRow A single row of a purchase order.
PurchaseOrderRowReceivedGoods Contains goods that should be marked as received.
PurchaseOrderStatus The status of a purchase order.
ReservationRequest Defines a reservation request.
StockBalance Contains information about stock balance for a specific stock keeping unit in a specific warehouse, optionally at a specific stock location.
StockBalanceResult Holds a search result of stock balances.
StockBalanceUpdate Contains information about stock balance update or creation for a specific stock keeping unit in a specific warehouse.
Supplier A supplier is a company that deliver goods to us.
SupplierResult Holds a search result of supplier.
Warehouse The warehouse for the purchase order.
Warehouse Warehouse
WarehouseResult Holds a search result of warehouse.