
There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.

name path methods description
Delivery API
  • /order-management/delivery/deliveries
  • /order-management/delivery/deliveries/{deliveryId}
  • /order-management/delivery/deliveries/{deliveryId}/_cancel
  • /order-management/delivery/deliveries/{deliveryId}/_mark-as-being-picked-in-store
  • GET
  • POST
  • POST
A delivery is when we go from ordered goods to delivered goods. We pick and pack as much as we can, and send it to the consumer.
Order API
  • /order-management/order/orders
  • GET
An order is a placed / requested purchase from a customer. From the order we create a delivery in which we place the goods purchased on the order.
Return API
  • /order-management/return/reasons
  • /order-management/return/returns
  • /order-management/return/returns/return
  • /order-management/return/returns/{returnId}
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
A return contains information about goods that is being (or has been) sent back to the warehouse or physical stores.

Data Types

type description
AddressWithName Information about a geographical location, including the name of the resident/tenant. This object is used often as delivery addresses, where you also want to store the name of the delivery recipient.
CurrentDeliveryPoint The delivery point where the parcels of the delivery is currently at.
CustomField Contains custom fields for an order.
DayOfWeek A day-of-week, such as 'Tuesday'.

Represents the 7 days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Delivery A delivery.
DeliveryChanges Contains changes that applies to a delivery.
DeliveryCustomer Contains customer information for a delivery.
DeliveryInvoice Contains information to be printed in the delivery invoice.
DeliveryMethod The method being used to deliver the goods to the consumer.
DeliveryMethod The method being used to deliver the goods to the consumer.
DeliveryParcel Holds information about a single parcel.
DeliveryPoint Holds information about the delivery point for the delivery.
DeliveryPointAddress Information about a delivery point address.
DeliveryResult Holds a search result of deliveries.
DeliveryRow A single row of a delivery.
DeliveryRowChanges Contains changes that applies to a delivery row.
DeliveryRowValue Contains values of a delivery row.
DeliveryStatus The status of a delivery.
DeliveryTaxRate Contains tax rates
DeliveryValue Contains values of the delivery.
Order An order.
OrderAddress Contains the address information.
OrderCustomer Contains customer information for a order.
OrderResult Holds a search result for orders.
OrderRow A single row of a order.
OrderRowValue Contains values of a order row.
OrderStatus The status of a order.
OrderValue Contains values of the order.
PaymentMethod Holds information about the payment method.
PaymentMethod Contains information about a payment method
PaymentReference Contains information about a payment reference.
Return A return.
ReturnChanges Contains changes that applies to a return.
ReturnReason The reason for a return.
ReturnReasonSearch Contains data that defines a return reason.
ReturnReasonType The status of a return.
ReturnResult Holds a search result of returns.
ReturnRow A single row of a return.
ReturnRowChanges Contains changes that applies to a return row.
ReturnRowValue Contains values of a return row.
ReturnStatus The status of a return.
ReturnToCreate Contains data used to create a return.
ReturnToCreateRow Contains data used to create a return.
ReturnValue The value of a return.
ServiceProvider The Service provider
ShippingOption The shipping options of the delivery.
SubscriptionInformation Contains subscription information for a order.
SubscriptionInformation Holds information about the subscription if the underlying order was created via one.
TermsOfPayment Terms Of Payment
TermsOfPayment Terms Of Payment
TimeSlot The time slot of a delivery.
Warehouse The warehouse of a return.