StockBalance Data Type

Contains information about stock balance for a specific stock keeping unit in a specific warehouse, optionally at a specific stock location.

name data type description
stockKeepingUnitId number The internal identifier of the stock keeping unit.
priceLookupUnitNumber string

The price lookup unit number (PLUNO) of the stock keeping unit.

Deprecated: Deprecated due to incorrect field name. Use priceLookupNumber instead

priceLookupNumber string The price lookup number (PLUNO) of the stock keeping unit.
europeanArticleNumber string The European article number (EAN13) of the stock keeping unit.
warehouseId number The internal identifier of the warehouse that balance belongs to. Mutually exclusive with WarehouseNumber.
balance number Number of items stored in the warehouse.
availableBalance number Number of items stored in the warehouse, taking reservations into account.
modifiedAt string Last changed date for the balance
warehouseNumber string The external identifier of the warehouse that balance belongs to. Mutually exclusive with warehouseId.


  "stockKeepingUnitId" : 12345,
  "priceLookupNumber" : "...",
  "europeanArticleNumber" : "...",
  "warehouseId" : 12345,
  "balance" : 12345,
  "availableBalance" : 12345,
  "modifiedAt" : "2024-03-21T14:36:43.412+01:00",
  "warehouseNumber" : "..."